Small Claims Advisor
Small Claims Advisor Information
Under the Code of Civil Procedure, Section 116.260, each county is required to provide individual assistance and advice to small claims litigants and potential litigants at no charge.
The Small Claims Advisor is available through the Self Help Center located in the Law Library.
Functions and Limitation
The following may help you better understand the functions and limitations of the Small Claims Advisor:
- The Advisor can only assist you in matters which could involve Small Claims Court and related areas.
- The Advisor may provide information regarding referrals to other agencies.
- The Advisor may suggest a lawyer referral service when issues are complex or more detailed attention is desired.
- The Advisor may refer you to the Law Library or other source to research your own inquiries further.
- The Advisor cannot represent anyone in court and cannot be your advocate.
- The Advisor does not prepare documents.
- Communications with the Advisor are confidential to the extent that the Advisor will not discuss your facts or strategy with others. However, the Advisor may provide information and services to the other party in your case.
- Advisors have the immunity conferred by Section 818.9 of the Government Code with respect to the advice given.
- The Advisor is not responsible for the outcome of your case.