Community Outreach
Current Initiatives
Speakers Bureau
Nevada County Superior Court judges welcome the opportunity to meet with organizations to discuss the role of the court and the judicial system in our community. This program coordinates speaking appearances for Judicial officers with community groups to help increase the public's understanding and knowledge of the local court system. Please contact for more information on scheduling a speaker.
Please note: Judicial officers may be limited in what they can talk about or answer by the Code of Judicial Ethics. Speaking engagements are limited to non-political events and groups. Judicial officers cannot discuss any items related to pending cases or cases that may come before the court.
Judges in the Classroom
Are you a k-12 teacher who would like to request a visit from a judge for a lesson on civics? California Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero’s Judges in the Classroom program connects Judicial Officers to local classrooms for virtual and in-person visits. The presentations are interactive and include complimentary lesson plans for teachers, focusing on discussions on the U.S. Constitution, Rule of Law, the role of judges, or Historical Milestones in the making of our democracy.
Law Day
Law Day, held annually on May 1st, honors the vital role of law and the legal system in our country. It is celebrated by the Judicial Council of California, courts statewide and across the nation. In Nevada County, 5th grade classrooms are invited to the court to learn about our local justice system. Students will meet judicial officers, participate in a mock trial, get a tour of the building, and meet various law enforcement representatives. Details for Nevada County's Law Day will be posted on the News & Events page.
Jury Appreciation Week
"Jurors play a critical role in our justice system by ensuring everyone can take advantage of the fundamental right to a jury of their peers" - California Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero
Jury Appreciation week is an annual celebration that occurs the second full week of May. Details for Nevada County's Jury Appreciation Week will be posted on the jury service page.