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Court Closure Notice:

The Court will be closed on Monday, March 31st in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.

Juvenile Division

The Juvenile division handles Juvenile Justice, Juvenile Status Offenses at the Nevada City and Truckee courthouses, and Juvenile Dependency cases at the Nevada City courthouse.

Juvenile Cases

Please note that both the Juvenile Dependency and Juvenile Justice cases are strictly confidential; therefore, no information is available by telephone.  To obtain information, you must come to the court and present photo identification that proves you are a party to the case. 

The guides linked here provide helpful details for each type case.

  • Juvenile Justice

    Cases involving children who have violated the law and would be considered crimes if committed by an adult are heard in Nevada City and Truckee. 

  • Juvenile Status Offenses

    Noncriminal behaviors that are illegal because of the child's age are heard in Nevada City and Truckee. These behaviors are typically not illegal for adults, for example: truancy (cutting school), smoking, curfew violations or running away from home.

  • Juvenile Dependency

    Cases involving family situations where allegations of abuse or neglect have been made are heard in Nevada City.

Transfer-In Hearings

Juvenile cases being transferred to Nevada County will be heard at the locations and times listed below. This notice is provided per Rule of Court 5.610(f)(2).

Location Hearing Type Day /Time Contact Phone
Nevada City Courthouse Juvenile Justice Tuesdays @ 2pm (530) 362-4309 
Nevada City Courthouse Dependency Thursdays @ 1:30pm (530) 362-4309 
Truckee Branch Courthouse Juvenile Justice 1st and 3rd Monday @ 2:30pm

(530) 362-4309

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