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Court Closure Notice:

The Court will be closed on Monday, March 31st in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.

Court Reporters and Recordings

Access Court Transcripts

California Rules of Court, Rule 2.956 and Nevada County Local Rules, Chapter 10 sets forth what type of matters may be recorded by a Court Reporter, electronically reported or reported upon party request. Please refer to these rules if you have questions about the creation of a record of your proceedings. 

  • Electronic Recordings

    Electronic recording may be used in some proceedings where a Court Reporter is not present. When a hearing or trial is electronically recorded, the audio recording of the proceeding is considered the official court record. 

  • Court Reporter Transcripts

    If a hearing or trial was transcribed by a Court Reporter, you may request an official transcript from the Court Reporter. For Court provided Court Reporters, request a transcript below. For party hired Court Reporters, contact the reporter directly. 

  • Hire a Court Reporter

    If you would like a record of your hearing or trial and a Court Reporter is not available from the court, you may hire an independent reporter. 

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