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Law Library

Nevada County Law Library

The Nevada County Law Library is the primary depository of legal reference materials for the County of Nevada.  It provides open access of these resources to all members of the community.

Located in Nevada City on the first floor of the Nevada County Courthouse, the Law Library collection contains approximately 6,000 volumes of reference materials, including: Nolo Press self-help law books, the Nevada County Codes, California Code, State Supreme and Appellate court reports, and the Municipal Codes of Grass Valley, Nevada City, and Truckee.

NEW   Lexis Nexis Digital Library is available on all the computers. 

Explore it. Getting Started Guide.   Mobile App

You can get an account to use these from your own device.  Email and put SHC LAW LIBRARY CARD in the subject line.  That will get your requset to the person who can set this up for you. Your password will be sent in an email from the Court's ZenDesk ticket management system.  Please be patient.  (This is not an automated system.  The person who has to set up the account has other duties).   Off-site access is limited to one volume at a time for a limited period. Only one user can have a volume open.  On site access can have multiple volumes open.  

Nolo Press books are available online through Nevada County Law Library. 

Log in to Nolo Press and EBSCO books

User name = CA

Password = nevada

Computer workstations

Computer workstations are available for accessing several online resources including legal research websites, Westlaw and CEB OnLAW, Judicial Council forms, legal pleadings, and word processing.

Self-Help Center

The Nevada County Superior Court's Self-Help Center is located adjacent to the Law Library. This award-winning self-help center provides legal information on court procedures, form packets with instructions, and alternatives to civil litigation, such as mediation. Areas of law include: Adoption, Guardianship, Name Change, Unlawful Detainer (Eviction), Civil Harassment, Modification of Probation, and Traffic. The Self-Help Center is also home to the county's Family Law Facilitator and Small Claims Advisor.

Copy Machine

A copy machine is available at the Law Library for 25¢ a page. 

Law Library Rules of Conduct

The following activities are NOT permitted in the Law Library. 

  • Threatening, disturbing, intimidating, harassing, yelling at or soliciting patrons or staff.  

  • Use of library materials (including computers) for purposes other than legal preparation or research.  

  • Use of conference room without prior approval of library staff. 

  • Leaving children and / or pets unattended.  

  • Audible use of cell phones or other electronics. If you have to talk, please go into the hallway.   

  • Leaving bags or other personal items unattended.  

  • Discriminatory conduct or language based on race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation.  

  • Eating. Bringing in drinks with no lid / cap.  

  • Sleeping or performing personal hygiene tasks.  

  • Smoking, including vaping.   

  • Any illegal activity.  

Nevada County Law Library Conference Room Rental Policy  

Effective January 1, 2024 

The rental policy for Nevada County Law Library Conference Room, is: 

  • Less than one hour, free.  Must notify staff when you start use and when you leave.  Available on first come, first served basis, if not already reserved. 

  • Half-day use (any time exceeding one hour) for any time between the hours of 8:30-12:00 or 1:30-4:00, $125. 

  • All-day use, between the hours of 8:30-12:00 and 1:30-4:00, $200. 

  • Room is only available when the Self-Help Center is open, so Friday is limited to half-day use, $125. 

  • Payment is collected at the time of reservation via check. 

  • Refund policy: must receive cancellation 24 hours in advance by emailing the Law Librarian at law.librarian@nccourt or calling 530-362-5329.    

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the Nevada County Law Library meets on the third Wednesday of every month, 12:15 - 1:00 p.m., in the Law Library Conference Room. The public is invited to attend.

MCLE Credits

MCLE CDs and videos are available at the Nevada County Law Library.  Additionally, the vast resources of the Sacramento County Law Library are available at Visit the site for information on MCLE credit classes or their collection of audio tapes and videotapes published by CEB, the California Trial Lawyers Association, the Public Defender Association, the Rutter Group, and other publishers.

Many programs meet MCLE self-study requirements. These materials can be obtained through the Nevada County Law Library interlibrary loan program that is available to all Nevada County attorneys. Your voluntary donation included with local annual bar membership pays for this service.

While we are out, you can still help yourself.
You can find many resources at
Self-Help - self-help (

All of the statewide Judicial Council Court forms are at:
Find Your Court Forms (

SHARP portal walks through many kinds of forms:
Online Resources – Sharp Courts

You can do research through the Sacramento County Law Library site at the link below. Note that they post Sacramento-specific addresses and court procedures, but the general information is very helpful.
Learn at SacLaw-

If you need assistance, you can contact:

Legal Services of Northern California (Auburn Office)
190 Reamer Street Auburn, CA 95603
Telephone numbers Voice: 530-823-7560

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