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Court Closure Notice:

The Court will be closed on Monday, March 31st in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.

Restraining Orders

A Restraining Order is an order issued by the Court to protect a person from harm or harassment. 

Which Kind of Restraining Order Do I Need?

There are several types of restraining orders.  Click below for more information or complete this form to find which type of restraining order best fits for your situation.

  • Domestic Violence

    An order against family members or someone you've dated or had an intimate relationship with (i.e. spouse, domestic partner, other relatives).

    Free electronic filing is available for DVRO and GVRO filings on the court's Portal

  • Elder / Dependent Abuse

    An order to protect those over the age of 65 where there are allegations of physical, financial or emotional/psychological abuse.

  • Civil Harassment Order

    An order against someone you are not closely related to or have not had an intimate relationship with (i.e. neighbor, landlord, co-worker).

  • Workplace Violence

    An order against anyone who has been violent or threatened violence against one or more employees at a workplace. Only the employer can ask for a workplace violence restraining order. 

How to File

Domestic Violence, Elder Abuse or Civil Harassment Orders

Follow the instructions from the Self-Help Center - Obtaining Restraining Orders.  Instructions are included for serving the other party. At the hearing, the Judge will review your papers and make a decision on an emergency Temporary Restraining Order.  If form CM-010 is listed as required for your case, there is a guide to help you here.

How to Respond

Domestic Violence, Elder Abuse or Civil Harassment Orders

Read the papers served on you very carefully. The Notice of Court Hearing tells you when to appear in court. There may also be a Temporary Restraining Order forbidding you from doing certain things. You must obey the order until the hearing, even if you disagree with the orders the person is asking for.  You can read about responding to each type of restraining order on the California Courts Self-Help website:

If a Restraining Order has been made against you, then effective immediately, you cannot own or possess firearms or ammunition.  If you have firearms or ammunition, you must turn them in to law enforcement or a licensed gun dealer within 24 hours of being served with the order. 

  • You cannot give them to a friend or family member.  You will also need to fill out and file form DV-800 with the court to show that you complied with this order.  For more information visit California Courts Self-Help Guide.

Filing and Responding to other types of Orders

Workplace Violence, School Violence

Go to the Forms and Packets page and download the Form Packet that best fits your situation. Additional information can be found on the California Courts Self-Help Guide.

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