Court Reporters and Recordings
Access Court Transcripts
California Rules of Court, Rule 2.956 and Nevada County Local Rules, Chapter 10 sets forth what type of matters may be recorded by a Court Reporter, electronically reported or reported upon party request. Please refer to these rules if you have questions about the creation of a record of your proceedings.
Electronic Recordings
Electronic recording may be used in some proceedings where a Court Reporter is not present. When a hearing or trial is electronically recorded, the audio recording of the proceeding is considered the official court record.
Court Reporter Transcripts
If a hearing or trial was transcribed by a Court Reporter, you may request an official transcript from the Court Reporter. For Court provided Court Reporters, request a transcript below. For party hired Court Reporters, contact the reporter directly.
Hire a Court Reporter
If you would like a record of your hearing or trial and a Court Reporter is not available from the court, you may hire an independent reporter.
- If you are a freelance reporter or firm that would like to be added to the list, please email your information to
- View list of Independent Reporters