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Court Closure Notice:

The Court will be closed on Monday, March 31st in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.

Family Law Division

The Family Law division handles all cases involving dissolution of marriage, legal separation, nullity, paternity, domestic violence, child custody, visitation and support at the Nevada City and Truckee courthouses. Other support services include mediation, family law facilitators and a panel of qualified attorneys who handle settlement conferences.

The guides linked here provide helpful details for each type of Family Law case.

Case Types

As of January 1, 2013, all California family courts are governed by the “family centered case resolution” process. This case management process is aimed at early settlement, quicker trial dates, reduced expense of litigation, and better assistance to families. Your case will be managed through one or more Status Conferences at which the parties, attorneys and a judicial officer will discuss a "case resolution plan."

  • Domestic Violence

    File for protection against family members or someone you've dated or had an intimate relationship with (i.e. spouse, domestic partner, other relatives).

  • Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce)

    File for a dissolution of marriage or registered domestic partnership to end a marriage or a registered domestic partnership.

  • Child Custody and Visitation

    Filings concerning parental legal rights and responsibilities, and time with a child (visitation).

  • Child Support

    Filings concerning money a parent pays for a child's living expenses.

  • Summary Dissolution

    Filings when parties are in agreement to divorce, you may be able to obtain a summary dissolution. 

  • Legal Separation

    Filing for legal separation is similar to dissolution of marriage, except that the parties remain married to each other.

  • Nullity

    Filing for an annulment restores the parties to the status of single persons, as though they were never married.

  • Adoption

    Filing to establish a legal parent-child relationship between a child and a parent who is not the child's biological or birth parent.

  • Guardianship

    Filing for an adult who is not a child's parent have custody of the child.

  • Establishment of Parental Relationship

    Filing to establish a parental relationship, also called "paternity cases."

  • Emancipation of Minors

    Filing for a 14 to 17-year-old to become free from their parent's custody and control. 

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