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No Cost Small Claims Advisor
Do you need assistance with your small claims case? Under the code of Civil Procedure, Section 116.260, the Self-Help Center provides individual assistance and advice to small claims litigants and potential litigants at no charge. This service is conducted by the Nevada County Court's Self Help Center. Walk-in appointments are accepted.
Submit request to Small Claims Advisor
The following outlines the basic functions and limitations of the Small Claims Advisor:
- The Advisor can only assist you in matters which could involve Small Claims Court and related areas.
- The Advisor will offer you information and opinions based upon education, experience and the facts presented.
- The Advisor may provide information regarding referrals to other agencies.
- The Advisor may suggest a lawyer referral service when issues are complex or more detailed attention is desired.
- The Advisor may refer you to the Law Library or other source to research your own inquiries further.
- The Advisor cannot represent anyone and is not an advocate.
- The Advisor does not prepare forms or documents.
- Communications with the Advisor are confidential.