Cortes colaborativas
Nevada County Superior Court offers collaborative courts which provide tools, treatments, and monitoring. These courts address drug-related offenses, alcohol abuse, juvenile drug/alcohol abuse, and mental illnesses. Offenders may be referred by a judge to one of the programs below.
Adult Drug Court
The Nevada County Adult Drug Court, established in 1998, is a collaborative effort between the Superior Court, the Office of the District Attorney, The Office of the Public Defender, the Adult Probation Department, local law enforcement, the Department of Health and Human Services, and private treatment providers.
There are over 2,600 drug courts nationwide and about 216 in the state of California. Each is set up using the guidelines of the Federal Office of Drug Court Policy.
Nevada County Adult Drug Court is a comprehensive court program which uses evidence based practices to assist drug using offenders involved in select, non-violent felony offenses, achieve total abstinence from drugs and alcohol. The program is a minimum of 18 months, and consists of frequent random drug testing, intense probation supervision, judicial supervision through bi-weekly court appearances, drug and alcohol treatment, educational and vocational training opportunities, and the use of appropriate incentives and sanctions.
Participants will be sentenced to state prison if they do not succeed in Adult Drug Court.
There have been many successes in the Nevada County Adult Drug Court. Participants have remained off of drugs, stayed out of the criminal justice system, obtained their driver’s licenses, become gainfully employed, gone back to school, received vocational training and started their own businesses, and gained or regained custody of their children. Successful completion gives individuals the tools to become contributing members of society and our community.
Adult Mental Health Court
The Mental Health Court Program targets adults with mental illness and transitional-aged youth that have entered the justice system.
This is an intensive program designed to evaluate, treat, and monitor participants while providing coordinated and comprehensive mental health treatment and ancillary services. The Behavioral Health Court program is a strong community collaboration model which provides for system integration. The judicial system, law enforcement, probation, and mental health systems form the Behavioral Health Court Team and a clinical mental health manager works closely with each participant to successfully implement an integrated, individualized service plan that is strengths-based and culturally competent. The Behavioral Health Court Team draws on the expertise and mutual commitment of its members and represents a problem-solving approach to address unmet mental health needs.
DUI Court
DUI Court focuses on offenders with either two DUI convictions within a 5-year period or with three or more lifetime DUI convictions. Clients are first referred to the DUI Court case manager by the Court and screened to ensure the client meets all of the program requirements. Similar to other national model DUI court programs, the post-adjudication program operates on a team concept and involves enhanced supervision, mandatory substance abuse treatment, individual and group counseling, random and frequent drug testing, self-help meetings, bi-weekly appearances before the judge for either encouragement for positive participation (incentives) or, if needed, reprimand or sanctions for non-compliance. DUI Court participants receive treatment that focuses on alcohol use as a chronic disease and is therefore intensive in nature. Professional addiction specialists ensure that rehabilitation comes in the form of disease management and care.
Juvenile Drug and Mental Health Court
The Nevada County "YES" Court (Youth Empowerment Services) addresses incidence of alcohol, drug abuse and mental illness in juveniles in Nevada County.